More and more people are turning to alternative medicine. People understand that the natural approach to health, which encompasses body (Yang) mind and emotions (Yin) spirit and soul (energy/Chi, QI) makes sense. This is known as the Trinity of Daoism. However, often conventionally trained practitioners, doctors, surgeons and consultants are at odds with alternative practitioners and vice versa.
Daoist Master Tsu-Cheung
Studied with the Master for 7 years. Learning Marital arts, the philosophy of Daoism and the Universal Law -
Dr. J D Van Buren
Founder and chancellor of International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM), a world renowned Accupunture, Osteopath and Naturopath master -
Joseph Goodman
Founder and chancellor of The College of Osteopaths and Naturopaths -
Mother & Grandmother
Both were shaman healers in Persia. This ancient medical art is known as TIBB -
Avicenna aka Ibn-Sina
The great Persian thinker (980-1307AD), philosopher and polymath. Described as the father of early modern medicine, he wrote the Book of Healing and the Cannon of Medicine
Qualifications & Affiliations
Doctor of Alternative Medicine
Biologist, Biochemist, Bsc (Hons) London University
Daoist Osteopath DO (Diploma in Osteopathy)
MCO (Member of the College of Osteopaths)
Acupuncturist, deep tissue massage, Tui-Na practitioner (ATCM) Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Naturopath, Nutritionist ( Eastern/Western) N.D (Naturopathic Doctor)
MRN (Member of Register of Naturopaths)
Craniosacral Osteopath, RCST (Register of Craniosacral Therapists)
Physiologist LCSP ( London & County Society of Physiologists)
More and more people are turning to alternative medicine. People understand that the natural approach to health, which encompasses body (Yang) mind and emotions (Yin) spirit and soul (energy/Chi, QI) makes sense. This is known as the Trinity of Daoism. However, often conventionally trained practitioners, doctors, surgeons and consultants are at odds with alternative practitioners and vice versa.
Daoist Master Tsu-Cheung
Studied with the Master for 7 years. Learning Marital arts, the philosophy of Daoism and the Universal Law -
Dr. J D Van Buren
Founder and chancellor of International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM), a world renowned Accupunture, Osteopath and Naturopath master -
Joseph Goodman
Founder and chancellor of The College of Osteopaths and Naturopaths -
Mother & Grandmother
Both were shaman healers in Persia. This ancient medical art is known as TIBB -
Avicenna aka Ibn-Sina
The great Persian thinker (980-1307AD), philosopher and polymath. Described as the father of early modern medicine, he wrote the Book of Healing and the Cannon of Medicine
Qualifications & Affiliations
Doctor of Alternative Medicine
Biologist, Biochemist, Bsc (Hons) London University
Daoist Osteopath DO (Diploma in Osteopathy)
MCO (Member of the College of Osteopaths)
Acupuncturist, deep tissue massage, Tui-Na practitioner (ATCM) Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Naturopath, Nutritionist ( Eastern/Western) N.D (Naturopathic Doctor)
MRN (Member of Register of Naturopaths)
Craniosacral Osteopath, RCST (Register of Craniosacral Therapists)
Physiologist LCSP ( London & County Society of Physiologists)
I was faced with the same dilemma early in my career, so after spending 14 years studying conventional and alternative medicine I now practice a combination of both, which I call
Bio-Energy or True Medicine. I can help you find the source of your illness and then work with you and your body to facilitate the healing and restoration it needs.
More and more people are turning to alternative medicine. People understand that the natural approach to health, which encompasses body,physical (Yang), mind, emotions (Yin) and spirit, soul, true faith (Chi, QI, Energy,Vitality, Vital Life Force) makes sense. This is known as the Trinity of Daoism. However, often conventionally trained practitioners, doctors, surgeons and consultants are at odds with alternative practitioners and vice versa.
Daoist Master Tsu-Cheung
Studied with the Master for 7 years. Learning Marital arts, the philosophy of Daoism and the Universal Law -
Dr. J.D.Van-Buren
Founder and chancellor of International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM), a world renowned Accupunture, Osteopath and Naturopath master -
Joseph Goodman
Founder and chancellor of The College of Osteopaths and Naturopaths -
Mother & Grandmother
Both were shaman healers in Persia. This ancient medical art is known as TIBB -
Avicenna aka Ibn-Sina
The great Persian thinker (980-1307AD), philosopher and polymath. Described as the father of early modern medicine, he wrote the Book of Healing and the Cannon of Medicine
Qualifications & Affiliations
Doctor of Alternative Medicine
Biologist, Biochemist, Bsc (Hons) London University
Daoist Osteopath DO (Diploma in Osteopathy)
MCO (Member of the College of Osteopaths)
Acupuncturist, deep tissue massage, Tui-Na practitioner (ATCM) Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Naturopath, Nutritionist ( Eastern/Western) N.D (Naturopathic Doctor)
MRN (Member of Register of Naturopaths)
Craniosacral Osteopath, RCST (Register of Craniosacral Therapists)
Physiologist LCSP ( London & County Society of Physiologists)
Back pain
Joint pain
Skin problems