More and more people are turning to alternative medicine. People understand that the natural approach to health, which encompasses body (Yang) mind and emotions (Yin) spirit and soul (energy/Chi, QI) makes sense. This is known as the Trinity of Daoism. However, often conventionally trained practitioners, doctors, surgeons and consultants are at odds with alternative practitioners and vice versa.
Daoist Master Tsu-Cheung
Studied with the Master for 7 years. Learning Marital arts, the philosophy of Daoism and the Universal Law -
Dr. J D Van Buren
Founder and chancellor of International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM), a world renowned Accupunture, Osteopath and Naturopath master -
Joseph Goodman
Founder and chancellor of The College of Osteopaths and Naturopaths -
Mother & Grandmother
Both were shaman healers in Persia. This ancient medical art is known as TIBB -
Avicenna aka Ibn-Sina
The great Persian thinker (980-1307AD), philosopher and polymath. Described as the father of early modern medicine, he wrote the Book of Healing and the Cannon of Medicine
Qualifications & Affiliations
Doctor of Alternative Medicine
Biologist, Biochemist, Bsc (Hons) London University
Daoist Osteopath DO (Diploma in Osteopathy)
MCO (Member of the College of Osteopaths)
Acupuncturist, deep tissue massage, Tui-Na practitioner (ATCM) Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Naturopath, Nutritionist ( Eastern/Western) N.D (Naturopathic Doctor)
MRN (Member of Register of Naturopaths)
Craniosacral Osteopath, RCST (Register of Craniosacral Therapists)
Physiologist LCSP ( London & County Society of Physiologists)
More and more people are turning to alternative medicine. People understand that the natural approach to health, which encompasses body (Yang) mind and emotions (Yin) spirit and soul (energy/Chi, QI) makes sense. This is known as the Trinity of Daoism. However, often conventionally trained practitioners, doctors, surgeons and consultants are at odds with alternative practitioners and vice versa.
Daoist Master Tsu-Cheung
Studied with the Master for 7 years. Learning Marital arts, the philosophy of Daoism and the Universal Law -
Dr. J D Van Buren
Founder and chancellor of International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM), a world renowned Accupunture, Osteopath and Naturopath master -
Joseph Goodman
Founder and chancellor of The College of Osteopaths and Naturopaths -
Mother & Grandmother
Both were shaman healers in Persia. This ancient medical art is known as TIBB -
Avicenna aka Ibn-Sina
The great Persian thinker (980-1307AD), philosopher and polymath. Described as the father of early modern medicine, he wrote the Book of Healing and the Cannon of Medicine
Qualifications & Affiliations
Doctor of Alternative Medicine
Biologist, Biochemist, Bsc (Hons) London University
Daoist Osteopath DO (Diploma in Osteopathy)
MCO (Member of the College of Osteopaths)
Acupuncturist, deep tissue massage, Tui-Na practitioner (ATCM) Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Naturopath, Nutritionist ( Eastern/Western) N.D (Naturopathic Doctor)
MRN (Member of Register of Naturopaths)
Craniosacral Osteopath, RCST (Register of Craniosacral Therapists)
Physiologist LCSP ( London & County Society of Physiologists)
Meet Dr. Yaghmai
Dr Yaghmai's initial studies were at London University where he gained a Bachelors Degree (BSc Hons) in Biology and Biochemistry, specialising in molecular biology. He then went on to study for a Doctorate which explored the relationship between cancer and the structure of red blood cells.
During his studies he suffered a serious knee injury during a martial arts competition and was recommended acupuncture. naturopathic and osteopathic medicine as a means of restoring the knee to full health. He was so impressed by the potency of these therapies that he embarked on 14 years of studying alternative medicine, culminating in a private practice in London.
My philosophy is to treat the patient as a whole person, not a series of problems.
As a Daoist doctor, my approach to medicine is completely different to the normal approach to health, wealth and wellbeing, so your consultation will include a holistic approach to your particular health issues. The service I provide includes all of the following elements in a combination treatment plan that is personalised to your needs.
Daoist Osteopathy
Traditional osteopathy focuses on the spine and joints. Daoist osteopathy has a more holistic approach and deals with other contributing ailments including headaches, anxiety and fatigue.
Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in which thin needles are inserted into the body at key points. It is most often used to bring pain relief, though in this practice it is also be used for a wide range of other conditions.
Daoist Naturopathy
The term naturopathy originates from 'natura' (birth) and 'pathos' (suffering) to suggest natural healing". In the context of Daotherapy, this mean harnessing and maximising the body's natural healing mechanisms.
Daoist Nutrition
In Dao terms, every person has a different nature; cold, damp, hot warm, neutral. I work with each patient to personalise their food plan and supplements to maximise their health outcomes. Let food be your medicine.
Daoist Exercise
Based on the patient's individual needs, an exercise programme is often essential to maximise the benefits of the treatments plan. This can include physiotherapy and or cardio-vascular exercises to optimise results.
Daoist Lifestyle
When your body is in balance, your life will follow. As a Daoist practitioner I endeavour to harmonise the flow between yin and yang to achieve chi. To this end lifestyle advice is part of the diagnosis and treatment plan.